Heritage Oaks Memorial Engraving Service
Due to the nature of our work in the cemeteries, there may be times that no one is in the office to take your call. However, an answering machine is always on to take messages.
Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message.
We do return all calls as soon as possible.
We maintain an extensive database of engraving information which we use when discussing engravings on the telephone.
When leaving a message, it is very helpful if you also leave the name of the person that the engraving is for and the name of the cemetery that the monument is in.
Hours: Since we are a home-based business, our customers can contact us almost any time.
We may also be reached at the following e-mail addresses:
We love taking photographs of older monuments while in the cemetery. The workmanship is amazing! Check out the new albums that have been added to our Facebook page.